Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This is going to be short because I do not have much time but I just wanted to update everyone on the last month of my life. Which leads us to ZamFam! I am on outreach in Zambia and here they put Zam in front of everything...so we thought it would be perfect to call ourselves the ZamFam! I have spent the last 3 1/2 weeks in Mpulungu, Zambia where I experienced all sorts of new things. In Mpulungu you can only buy live chickens, never frozen, always fresh! So I learned how to kill a chicken, de feather it, cut it up into pieces and cook it. Don't worry I have pictures to document this new skill I acquired. We ran an orphan school while there for 3 weeks. It was challenging because they were so young that they knew hardly any English but it was well worth the time and effort. I love those children so much and miss them already. We also went to a youth camp for a week, in Zambia youth camp looks more like boot camp. Complete with 5 am running, a whistle blowing for every activity, sit ups, step ups, climbing over walls, swinging on ropes, etc, etc. Needless to say I didn't appreciate this style of camp very much. But the worship was awesome and I learned a lot of new songs in different languages. I also learned how to eat nshima (Zambia's version of pap), by rolling it into little balls and using it to scoop up whatever food we had to go along with it. We always used our hands to eat, never silverware. In town we were local celebreties...people would stare and crowds would form just so they could see mzungu's (white people). Apparently white people are a hot commodity up in Mpulungu and everyone once to see, touch and talk to one. So much more happened this blog does not even do it justice. However I am at an interent cafe and it is slow and my time is almost out so I will have to update some more when I get back to South Africa.
We leave in 2 days for Johannebsurg where we will be staying with a ministry called the Jospeh Project. We will be doing street evangelism, helping with sex trafficing awareness workshops for the world cup, working with a school and working at another youth camp. Right now we are in Lusaka enjoying our day in town and staying at a YWAM base. I miss ya'll all very much and can't wait to see ya'll in a month!! June 7th back to Texas! I will update again as soon as I can. Please be praying for us as we travel and minister in South Africa!

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