Saturday, January 23, 2010

God's Parade of Marvelous Creatures

So I have officially been initiated into Africa, or that’s what everyone calls it here. Back home we normally just call it a stomach bug. Apparently everyone gets it around the first week or two that they are here, adjusting to the water, food and atmosphere, etc. I got it Wednesday night and it was very disappointing because we were going to have Braii (barbeque) chicken for dinner. Needless to say I didn’t eat anything for dinner or breakfast or lunch the next day. I am almost back to normal I suppose, I couldn’t fully enjoy the McDonalds we had today though. That’s right I said it, we had McDonald’s today for lunch and it tasted…almost the same. Close enough for me to be glad I wasn’t eating our base food :). Here are some pictures of our base, I know my family has been dying to see these.

Our base sign :)

Where I live

Our Classroom with paintings that one of our leaders, Anneke, painted

Most of the girls on my team, from left to right...
Shayla, Kelly, Breanna, Me, Marcella, Pinkie (in front), Laney (in back)

So besides the sickness, orientation week went well. Kinda slow. Just basics about what we are going to be doing and the culture, etc. Monday starts full swing of classes, community outreaches and work duties from 8 am – 6pm. My work duty is kitchen clean up or prep, but I think I might do clean up every week because then I will have free time from 4-6 instead of prepping for dinner. I’m sure my family is in shock right now, considering I just said I would rather do dishes everyday then prepare food. On Thursday we actually had a chance to go into the villages and visit the places we would be doing community outreach at. They are two different houses where we will go and feed children in the afternoons. I couldn’t enjoy interacting with the kids because I was still sick and it was very hot so hopefully this week I can have a good time with the children. Yesterday we went to Kruger National Park on a Safari. Before we went into the park one of our leaders, Rich, prayed that God would parade his marvelous creatures for us to see. And that is exactly what happened. We saw lions, zebras, giraffes, warthogs, elephants, rhinos, water buffalo, wild dogs, hyenas, impalas, baboons, monkeys, bats, crocodile, and hippos. Here are a few of the animals that came out to greet us.

We also went swimming while at the park so I have a nice little tan going. That’s right Kyli, be jealous. Haha. And to end our wonderful day we went out for pizza, it was delicious. We are really roughing it over here as you can tell. Well that’s all for tonight. Tomorrow is church and Monday starts our first official week and guest speaker. Please keep praying for my team that God will guide us as our weeks progress and there are quite a few people here not feeling well so please pray for healing and protection for everyone at our base. Thank ya’ll for all your love and support.


  1. So, I just barely missed your call by 10 minutes. I thought it was a tele-marketer because it came up as 0000123456. I am so upset. Mom said you would call sometime this weekend to talk to all of us but I didn't know that meant you would call me personally. I am so sad!!! :( :( :( Anyways, I've been checking your blog since yesterday because mom said you were posting pictures after the cool! I'm glad you are feeling better and pray that God shows up these next weeks while you are at school and gives you a direct path. I love you and miss you and can't wait to show my kids at school your pictures. I think it would be neat to have my students send pictures and cards for the orphans and would like to write you, so if you could get me an address so I could send you stuff I would greatly appreciate it. Have fun! Oh yeah, Monty said "there's nothing like a good ol' american burger" about the McDonalds...keep roughing it, haha!

  2. Hey girl, I hope you are over the bug, loved the pictures and am a little bit jealous but happy for you.It was Karcyn's birthday yesterday but they didn't celebrate it till next week Yasmin and I called her and sung happy birthday Kyli said she just frowned, i guess she thought we were crazy, your dad is terrible, he said all she wanted for her birthday was a t-bone steak and baked potato and then we talked to Kinley and at the end I said,love you sweety and she said it back to me, that was funny! Keep sending those pictures and enjoy you experience. I sent my niece you address have you heard from her?
