Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Matters to Me, Matters to God

Just take a moment to think about that. We are always so busy thinking that we need to think, pray and carry out our lives by what matters to God; sometimes ignoring what matters to us. Now don’t get me wrong, what matters to God is the most important. However, the parts of our lives that matter the most to us, they matter to God too. He is our father; he loves us more than anyone. So if something is important to us isn’t it also important to him? I just love thinking about that.

Well the first official week of DTS has come and gone. It flew by fast. Our teacher for the week set the bar extremely high. She is an amazing woman of God and his light shines so evident through her. During our last class yesterday she just took time to pray for each one of us and speak great things over our lives. It was a blessing to the fullest. We had two separate movie nights this week, one was a movie for class….A Bug’s Life :). And we let the guys pick the movie for last night, they picked Shallow Hal. I guess that’s what happens when you let boys pick out a movie. Today was supposed to be VBS (Vacation Bible School) at the church we go to in the community. The outreach team from Orlando that is here was going to run it and we were just going to help. However, because it was raining it got cancelled. So instead of VBS we did a prayer walk around the community. I was in a group with Stanley one of the leaders, and Kacy. We would just go to random houses and start talking to the people there. (Actually Stanley did all the talking because we couldn't understand) He translated for us though and it was interesting to hear the people's stories. They all let us pray for them except for the first lady who's house we went to. She was a "traditional healer" which is something kind of like a witch doctor I believe. She was not feeling very well but the minute Stanley asked her if we could pray for her she became very scared and asked us to leave. "Healers" only believe in their traditions and that does not correlate with God at all. Stanley said they fear God and prayer. We left her yard when she asked us but we stood on the road and said a prayer for her. When we got back to the church we had a chance to play with the children before coming back to base. Tonight is testimony night. We are all going to give our own personal testimonies, which might take awhile with 15 of us but it will be interesting! Monday starts our Father Heart of God week in class. Apparently it is one of the most emotional weeks at DTS. So hopefully we will prepare ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally for what is to come. Me, I'm rather excited about it actually. Well that's all for now...everyone eat some good American (or Mexican) food for me!!!!


  1. Love the pics and it really makes you stop and think about how blessed we truly are doesn't it? We lift you and your group up daily in prayer. We love you - Aunt Yasmin and Uncle Dave

  2. Hey Love!! I have been meaning to comment on your blog every time. I check your blog daily and it always brightens my day when it is updated. It sounds like God is providing you with lessons for all of us to learn from.I have shared your blog with my whole family and even my grandparents are checking in on you! You are in each of our prayers daily! We love you so much! Watch out for those snakes!!!

  3. omg i just loooove reading your blogs. That little girl you were holding at church is so sweet:) im jealous!! Your skirt was cute lol im so glad your having the time of your life and i love you soo much. im gonna email you
