Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Needs Electricity These Days Anyways?

So today was just another day in South Africa. (It is so exciting to be able to say that). We started full classes this week so I have been a busy, busy bee. Breakfast is at 7 in the morning and after that we pretty much have something to do all day with breaks only for tea, lunch and dinner. This week has been even busier because we have had night classes also, so we aren’t finished until 8:30 pm. By the time night classes are over everyone is exhausted. But our speaker is amazing; she keeps everyone awake and interacting. Our topic this week is Worldview; how different people interpret, view and value the world. My favorite quote of the day was, “The Word of God becomes flesh and blood and moves into the neighborhood.” Meaning we are Christ to people who don’t know him. We represent him and we need to be showing people who he is, loving them, caring for them, meeting their needs.

Yesterday we were supposed to go feed the children in the community however there was a very bad storm so we couldn’t go. I have never heard thunder that loud in my life. It was so bad the electricity went out for a good 9 – 10 hours. But apparently that is nothing new because the electricity goes off all the time here. We just learn to function without it. So apparently on base yesterday they found a puffater (I don’t know how to spell it). It is a type of snake, the type of snake that is one of the top 10 poisonous in the world. And it was a baby one, which is even more deadly than an adult. It is so deadly that they have to bury it because if you even step on its bones the poison will get into your body. I luckily was not around to see this, but they did kill it! Unlucky for you that I wasn’t around because then I could have taken a picture of it for you to see.

So while we are here we have 5 books we have to read. I am already finished with the first one. It was called Is That Really You, God? by Loren Cunningham. It is the story of how YWAM got started and is pretty interesting. I was kind of disappointed though because I thought (from the title) it was going to be a book on hearing God’s voice. I started our next book but it is so boring I can barely make myself read it. Ha. Well that’s about all the interesting things I have to share for this week. My dad said I need to update this about twice a week, and not the beginning and the end of the week. If I don’t he is just going to find me on other people’s blogs (which I love). So this is just for him :)

P.S. More pictures coming soon and maybe even a video I took at church!


  1. Boo, I miss you! I'm praying a hedge of protection over yall just for all of the snakes!!! Always watch where you're walking. ha ha!
    Thanks for the update. We have lots of people asking about you and I always tell them about blogspot.
    We also love pics!

  2. Hey Brittany, Grammy forwarded me your email and I replied to you and then got on here to see if you had updated and you wrote about the video of church. Great minds think alike! HaHa!! If you would have know about all of the snakes you could have just come over and hung out at the barn and gotten used to them. WATCH WHERE YOU ARE WALKING! We love you.

  3. Hi Brit, I just got thru e-mailing you about the eletricity going out over there a lot according to Lydia so now you know. !It is bloody cold here rain rain and more rain.So be glad you are nice and warm over there. Don't go out at night or daytime without shoes or jeans we don't want one of those nasty snakes getting you. Send us a video of your church.Things are quite boring here right now so I'll say chow for now and enjoy every minute you are there, Love always, Grammy.

  4. Love the post... love hearing/reading how your processing things.
